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TitRecipes by Kay Essre 1

Divine Tomato Sorbet

Sorbet tomate.jpg

One of the best memories I have from my stays in Sevilla is the amazing breakfast tradition consisting in raw peeled and crushed tomatoes mixed with pressed garlic and olive oil.


Recalling the italian Bruschetta, this is without any doubt typical to Mediterranean delicious cuisine!

To honour this Andalusian delight, I love to prepare this great & addictive tomato sorbet all year round!!!


The trick is to freeze tons of kilos of ancient organic tomato varieties at the pic of the season to enjoy the best quality, as they are packed with sunlight and intense delicious flavours.

4 frozen medium size tomatoes, lightly soaked in water in order to easily take off the skin and to be able to cut them in 4 pieces (needs here some stability and precise strength).


Mixed in the blender with cold pressed olive oil, 2 sukkari dates and oregano.


Then hand mixed with 3 crushed garlic cloves and top with more dried oregano.


This is absolutely great on toasted bread with some additionnal olive oil or on crunchy raw crackers !


So simple and so damn delicious !



Raw Cacao Cashew Chai milk bliss

Juice beetroots, red apples and fresh ginger (500ml)


Mix with


350g of frozen blueberries

3 table spoons of raw cacao

1 table spoon of raw coconut butter

Home made vegan raw "milk" of your choice


Here I used a cashew milk perfumed with fresh ginger, ground cinnamon and cardamom, a pinch of pink Himalayan salt and a touch of maple syrup.

Pad thai for two

to fill your life with pink

Use Kelp algae noodles, rince and soften the noodles with lukewarm water at 45 degrees. Leave aside.


Spiralize or grate 4 to 5 small Jerusalem artichokes and cut into little pieces 1 large beetroot with a blender or a robot.


For the sauce:


Blend 2 large table spoons of raw almond butter with 1 red bell pepper, the juice of a green lemon, garlic and onion to taste, 1 table spoon of tamari, 1 table spoon of mapple syrup.

Optional: fresh ginger and a little bit of homemade raw vegan milk.


Mix the sauce with the drained kelp noodles, the spiralized and chopped vegetables.


For the topping, here I used raw fermented macadamia dried "cheese", black pepper and fresh parsley.

Also delicious with chopped peanuts.

Raw cashew blueberry yaourt

simply delicious




Mix the fresh extracted juice of a lemon with

100 g of raw organic cashew previously soaked 20 min.


Then add in the blender


350 g of frozen blueberries

1 to 2 table spoons of raw coconut oil

2 table spoons of mapple syrup


Topping: lemon zest and cashew

Instant sweet summer soup

refreshing and just divine

I want to share with you this amazing and so simple recipe for apperitive or for a quick delicious meal by a hot summer evening, to savor with your beloved ones !


I discovered the idea of the association in the Hippocrates Health Institute recipe book and since I tasted it, I love to repeat it.


As it's the season for white and super sweet honey flavor melon, the variety we have here in Portugal (as you can see on the picture), I invite you to try this, you will not regret !


Cut into pieces half or less of refreshed and peeled white melon.

Blend with organic cinnamon and

peeled fresh ginger (1 cm piece).


Just enjoy !


Raw vegan gluten-free pasta

the pleasure of healthy fats

This recipe gives us the impression of the creamy texture of dairy but is entirely vegan and super healthy!


Mix together 150g of Brazil nut, lightly soaked (2 hours)

with a bunch of fresh coriander

(you can replace with parsley or basil)

1 clove of garlic

1 tea spoon of non pasteurized miso

The juice of a green lemon

Micro filtered sea water Quinton

Water, just a bit because we want to keep the richly-textured cream.


Gently mix the kelp noodles previously rinced and soaked in 45° water (15 minutes), and spiraled zucchini.

Add freshly ground black pepper

A touch of Himalayan salt

and crunchy spirulina


It's addictive !

Ceramist : Eric Desplanche, Allemagne en Provence

Mango tango pie

the magic of gluten-dairy-sugar-free desserts

For the base: I usally use the almond pulp from making almond "milk" (a full cup of almonds - around 200g - for a liter of milk).


In a blender, mix the almond pulp together with dried coconut (around 100g), dehydrated sprouted buckwheat, dates and a pinch of pink Himalayan salt.

Spread and press the pasty mass at the bottom of 20cm (8-inch) springform pan.


Mix together 2 or 3 fresh mango with a ripe papaya and a table spoon of raw organic coconut butter. Pour the mixture on the crust base. Freeze few hours. Before serving, open the springform pan and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Add some fresh mango on top with dried coconut.


Also delicious for breakfast.





Addictive raw cacao vegan milk

and the magic continues...

For two people, use 35cl of homemade almond milk (ideally perfumed with fresh vanilla, 1 table spoon of mapple syrup or 1-2 dates and a pinch of Himalayan salt).


In a blender mix the milk with 1 large table spoon of raw cacao (I use Criollo raw cacao from Raw Living)

4-5 sukkari dates

1 frozen banana


You can also add more bananas to make a delightful cream or sorbet, but I really enjoy it this way. It's amazingly simple and so delicious!








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